It is becoming tiresome to continue to listen to the outcry about our healthcare crisis.

Yes,  we all know about the crisis and some level of anger at the various levels of government seems almost justified.

Yes, our healthcare system is broken. Broken. Broken. Broken.

But what is missing is a plan to actually change our healthcare system.

No one has developed a coherent and comprehensive plan to change the system. Yes, the system with its many thousands of moving parts has to change.

Yes, there has to be a plan and then the willingness to change the system with leadership of the plan being intact.

But who has the depth of understanding to change our system.

I was on a strategy committee for healthcare change about 20 years ago.

The committee got nowhere.

But one of the participants stood out above all the others.

Dr Brenda Zimmerman. The professor healthcare management at York University. Head of the HIMP programme.

Brenda would have been perfect to lead a team of thought leaders to actually redesign our healthcare system.

At that time, Brenda spoke about complex adaptive systems. That was very illuminating for me.  It is the model that needs to be shared and understood for a complex system like our healthcare system to change or more appropriately to evolve.

It is a tragedy that Brenda is not here to help us dig ourselves out of our healthcare mess.

Brenda died in a motor vehicle accident several years ago.  I was at her funeral. I think about her often.

We need to put a group of thought leaders together with the depth of understanding that Brenda had to help us think out way out of this mess.

And since building new capacity will likely take 10 to 15 years, this process should start today or class action litigation and aggression against providers will be rampant.