Most doctors, nurses, and health admins think only of the care journey.

That journey is critical and is, of course, very important to focus on from the outset.

However, it’s crucial to understand that patients also embark on another journey, one that is often overlooked—the administrative journey.

This journey, which includes all the administrative touch points necessary to fully explore and implement the care journey, is a significant part of the patient’s experience.

The administrative journey includes all the admin touch points needed to explore and implement the care journey fully.

Imagine a scenario in which a patient repeatedly calls a primary care clinic or booking desk for imaging and receives no voicemail or email response.

The resulting frustration and unhappiness, which are clear indicators of a need for a smoother administrative journey, underscore the urgency of this issue.

There is a growing trend in the healthcare industry to analyze the administrative journey and find ways to improve the patient experience. This trend highlights the need for solutions like’s platform. has developed a SAAS platform for primary care clinics that dramatically improves the patient experience and improves the administrative journey.

At, our mission is clear: strive to empower patients to access the care they need. We achieve this by providing a seamless and intelligent set of tools for patients and primary care doctors, enhancing the patient experience and improving the administrative journey.